
Showing posts from April, 2018

Creation of Spring + Hibernate + Maven Application

1. Create a Maven Project in eclipse. 2.In the pom.xml, add the dependencies for Spring artifacts( spring-context,   commons-logging ,  spring-core ), for Hibernate artifacts( hibernate-core ) and your database specific connector, for example for mysql( mysql-connector-java ). For all these artifacts, search on maven repository and copy the required version dependency and place them inside <dependencies> tag of pom.xml. 3. Create  a POJO Employee(a simple java class and name it, define the properties in the class and provide getter and setter methods for the properties of Employee class. public class Employee {         private  String  name ;         private int  id ;         public  String getName() {                return  name ;         }         public   void  setName(String  name ) {                this . name  =  name ;         }         public   int  getId() {                return  id ;